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Regency Quarter has the potential to create a new neighbourhood with a bit of everything.

We see an opportunity to deliver:

390 new and affordable homes at Coronation Road

A new café/bar/restaurant
at Coronation Road

156 new hotel rooms at Rainsford Road

New jobs during and after construction

Flexible co-working space at Rainsford Road

Improved walking connections

More greenery and the enhancement of the public realm

The Coronation Road site delivers two interconnected buildings of 33 and 24 storeys. We are looking to provide 390 high quality homes alongside two commercial spaces which could be a new gym and a café/bar/restaurant.

Responding to your feedback

We have made a number of changes and additions to the scheme following your feedback last year:

The Rainsford Road site will provide a 15 storey, 156 room hotel and a light industrial building, with one third of the site taken up by green landscaping.